more quizzes

1. Have you ever eaten dog?
There are dog particles in the air we breathe. Which is to say, no, I haven't. But I have breathed dog.

2. In defence of a nation is it right to engage in snow boarding?
I doubt it would work.

3. Pancakes?
No, he doesn't.

4. What have the Barenaked Ladies ever done to you?
I've heard at least two of their songs too many times. It's not their fault.

5. Is your head screwed on straight?
Mine is affixed with crazy glue.

6. Tamper, Tampon or Tube Amp?

7. When driving outside of Winnipeg I asked a bystander directions for the CN tower. T/F?

8. How do we take our quizzing into the world of Quiz Business?
We must hone our quizzing skills to perfection and then offer quizmaking as a service for wealthy people in need of such diversions.

9. Can petrol stationary save your lives?
All lives and deaths can be saved by anything.

10. How do I know if he really loves me?
You will have an odd number of daisy petals.

why does my duodenum stir like daggers when gentle hands are placed near it?
your nerves are shot.

what does bryan adams mean when he insists:
"give it to me!"?
give him your attention and your money.

are deer fair game?
too many answers.

can the Eiffel tower fall in love?

will tennis always be?

how can worms live with themselves?
worm communities.

for what reason do we insist upon each other?
we both know that we can do well in the quiz business, but only if we work together. it's not something to let fall through the cracks.

who cares if people play tennis or don't?

which would be worse than a life without love?
no. okay.

do penguins and peacocks possess the vanity of which they are often charged?
all birds hate themselves.

1. Who does your hairs?
Galaxy Donuts

2. What is so capitol about your bloodstream?

3. How are you with schematics?
I can tolerate them if they mind their own business.

4. Is your business none of your business?
Yes, considering I am a nun!

5. What floats your boasts?

6. When you are king you will _______!
buy a microwave

7. Bachi Bazi is:

(A) a practice in Afghanistan where young boys are forced to dress up and dance around like women and then be repeatably sodomized?
(B) an italian leisure activity?
(C) the name of my new book?

They are all acceptable selections because they are all questions.
Note the question mark at the end of each.
You can ask any of this questions without claiming anything.
Trick question!

8. Why do some people get cancer? Is it always their fault?

Some people get cancer from their local drugstore.
We can blame the pharmacist in such cases.

9. Will you ever tire of sleeping?

I do, almost daily.

10. More resembling a therapist or rapist, is collagen going anywhere fast?

A pee here. a pee there.

What do you like most (so far) about being human?
procreation and parenthood

Are you misinterpreted?
yes, i think this happens a lot. jean told me it does.

How would you recommend going about confronting the truth?
gently but firmly.

What is the most indispensable thing?

Do you dance?
yes. very well actually.

Is a chair weird?
you know the answer. i can barely imagine a weirder thing.

Are you glad that communication exists? Explain.
no comment.

What is your most recent discovery?
patti smith

What's next?
maybe flesherton.

Guess what?
yes what about the christmas song? i asked f. if she wanted to write a song called bio-dad about joseph (marys husband) called not even a grope?.
i think she was "grossed out". delicate flower that one.

Do animals have more interesting feelings than us?
trick question: we are all animals.