Quiz #6, by Quizmakers Plus™‏

1. Are you an out-of-body-experience?
I don't see how. I am slightly overweight.

2. Is the world at your fingertips? Explain.

3. Is the world at your feet? Don't explain.
Carly Simon.

4. What is meant by the saying, "The world is your oyster."?
Within it lies a pearl - something to treasure and to wear as an accessory.

5. How is any of this possible?
Science and technology. Scientology.

6. What is happening behind the scenes?
Sex, drugs, proto-punk, sanskrit, graduate studies, dick-jokes, smoking, journal entries, merch, fondling, the list goes on.

7. What is it like in heaven? Has it changed much over the years?
It is more earthly than you might think and more crowded. Dirtier than thou.

8. What is your fondest memory of yesterday?
Quiz Makers Plus! TM

9. Do you have anything to declare?
Not anymore. I did. I declared it. No one listened. I retreated. It wasn't important.

10. Who is the last English born manager to coach an FA Cup winning side?
Fred Eaglesmith?