Quiz #19, by Quizmakers Plus™‏

1. Prove that everything is okay.

A skeleton walks into a bar, orders a beer and a mop.

2. What are you looking at?

An uncertain furniture.

3. What do you have more of than anything else? Why?

Thoughts due to thoughtlessness.

4. What are your usual sleeping hours?

9 to 5.

5. What words do you tend to mispronounce?

Clitoris, Farm, Window, Magazine, Leprechaun, Olive, Iran, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and No.

6. How does the human mind work (or not work)?

Neurotransmitters, lobes, photosynthesis, MIDI, pharmaceuticals, air-conditioning.

7. Would you enjoy a world without bags?

I would prefer a world within bags.

8. Are you "Unavailable For Comment"?


9. Describe your ideal God.

Tits on a bull.

10. Do you have access to the internet? Do you do email?

I have a measure of success.