Quiz #23, by Quizmakers Plus™‏ by Flynn Rutherford for Myk Piece (Welcome aboard Flynn! Von Boyage!)

1. If all the atoms in your body were swapped with other atoms of identical atomic number, weight, and configuration, would you still be you as you experience you?

2. Name the three activities that are considered crimes in North America only if the perpetrator is wearing socks over his/her hands.
Sum 41

3. What is the correct song to be playing through your MP3 player/walkman/personal listening device that prevents you from hearing the swiftly approaching car that strikes and kills you?
I Would Die 4U

4. Do you ever order food in person at a restaurant that does delivery and then ask for a ride home?
No, I could lose my job.

5. If you had two left hands you would be most qualified for what activity/occupation?
Fingernail model

6. Would you rather be force fed 50 pinecones or be sodomized with 1 pineapple?
No certainly not. Strange question.

7. When was the last time you wore a t-shirt that had a phrase/word written on it and what did it say?
Yesterday, My Drinking Team Has A Footbal Problem.

8. How are lightning and the Postman at odds with each other?
One strikes, the other shoots.

9. In what section of San Francisco’s City Lights Book Store would you make a loud bird sound and what type of bird would it be?
Labrador Duck

10. Assume you are an extremely expedient and skilled filmmaker about to debut your work at the Toronto International Film Festival when you realize you’ve made a hardcore pornographic version of “Driving Miss Daisy” by mistake. Assuming this film will upset at least half of the TIFF staff and its patrons do you
a) show the film anyway, and “take the heat,” as they say in the film industry?
b) destroy the film, put on a disguise, open up a booth and pass yourself off as a Scientology peddler?
c) show the film anyway but claim it was all Sarah Polley’s idea

Multiple choice questions have no place in contemporary quizmaking. Please see earlier quizzes for this same mistake.