Quiz #4, by Quizmakers Plus™‏

1. What is Vegar?
Anagram for Grave

2. How do you explain your rhythm method?
Fast = Exciting
Slow = Boring or Romantic

3. Do white supremacists adore albinos?
There have been no validated studies on this, so thus far we have no pertinant statistics.
They will be adding a few questions to the 2016 Canadian Census in hopes of clearing this up once and for all.

4. Do you objectify humiliation?

5. Who are you?

6. Do quizzes make you feel an array of emotions including fear?
The best quizzes do.
That's why I use Quizmakers Plus™!

7. Are you good at schools?
Schools are nothing more than enormous quizzes.
When they're good, I'm good.
When they're badly designed, superfluous, or built on a foundation of lies, I'm an idiot.

8. How many thumbtacks do you generally carry on your person?
None. My person carries them for me.

9. Are your gums more or less tender than your soul?
My gums

10. If you were to convert what would you convert to? How would you do it?
I would convert to sensationalism.
I would systematically exchange any beliefs I have that are contrary to the tenets of sensationalism for ones that that are endorsed.